
Gynecologic Oncology

  • Diagnosis
  • Surgery
  • Treatment Management
  • Survivorship

Clear here to learn more

Cancer Disparities

  • Interested in educating patients, caregivers and public on gynecologic cancer disparities

Read Dr. Hoskins discussing cancer disparities in African American women

Patient Advocacy

  • Routinely educates patient on the diseases from diagnosis to treatment
  • Encourages patient to be their own best advocate for medical care in the current medical climate

Early supporter of the Dandelion Foundation which pairs newly diagnosed women with gynecologic cancer to a survivor mentor

Robotic Surgery

  • Management of benign complex surgical issues
  • Staging of gynecologic cancers

Watch a video of Dr. Hoskins performing a da Vinci hysterectomy


Travel photography

  • Dr. Hoskins loves to travel and experience new sights, sounds and people.
  • She works on her photography skills at the same time.
  • She loves photojournalism style of photography and works on that in her viewfinder in her spare time.